Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What services does ArcStone Securities and Investments Corp. offer?

ArcStone provides a range of services, including investment banking, capital raising, exchange listing, financial advisory, M&A, corporate development, and financial modeling.


Who are ArcStone’s typical clients?

Our typical clients range from high-growth companies and large corporations to institutional investors, high-net-worth individual investors, and single and multi-family offices.


What does ArcStone offer that other Canadian financial advisory firms do not?

ArcStone has a US-Canada nexus through its acquisition of a US FINRA Broker-Dealer and a strategic partnership with Kingswood US. Our partnership with Kingswood US allows us to leverage its US$60B AUM of retail distribution among 2,450 investment advisors to facilitate financings for our clients.


How can I contact ArcStone Securities and Investments Corp.?

You can reach us via our contact form on the website, or email us at


Investment Banking

What is investment banking and how can it benefit my business?

Investment banking involves advising companies on mergers, acquisitions, capital raising, exchange listing, and strategic financial decisions. It can help your business grow, access capital, provide shareholder liquidity, and achieve strategic goals.


What industries does ArcStone specialize in?

We specialize in various sectors, including technology, AI, healthcare, crypto, consumer products, software/SaaS, energy, fintech, and financial service companies.


Capital Raising

How can ArcStone assist with capital raising?

We help companies raise capital through equity, debt, and hybrid financing options, tailored to meet their specific needs and growth objectives.


What is the process for raising capital with ArcStone?

The process includes initial consultations, developing a detailed financial model, preparing pitch materials, organizing roadshows to meet potential investors, and exchange listing.


Corporate Development

What corporate development services does ArcStone offer?

Our services include strategic planning, market entry strategies, business development, distribution strategy, sales and marketing strategy, and partnership facilitation.


How can ArcStone help with mergers and acquisitions?

We provide end-to-end M&A advisory services, from identifying targets and performing due diligence, assist with regulatory compliance, to providing an auction market, to negotiation and transaction closure.


Financial Advisory

What financial advisory services does ArcStone provide?

We offer services such as financial modeling, valuation analysis, strategic financial planning, and restructuring advisory.


How can your financial modeling services benefit my company?

Our financial modeling services provide detailed projections and scenario analyses to help you make reasoned, informed, intelligent strategic decisions and attract investors.


Roadshows and Investor Relations

What is a roadshow and why is it important?

A roadshow is a series of presentations to potential retail/institutional investors to generate interest and secure funding. It is crucial for raising awareness and attracting investment.


How does ArcStone organize roadshows?

We manage the entire process, from scheduling meetings and preparing presentation materials, to coaching executives and following up with investors. Roadshows often extend to Canada, US, and other parts of the world where investor appetite is identified among our network.


Client Success Stories

Can you share examples of client success stories?

We have successfully helped numerous clients achieve their financial and strategic goals. Visit our case studies section for detailed success stories.


Compliance and Regulation

Is ArcStone Securities and Investments Corp. regulated?

Yes, ArcStone is fully licensed and regulated by relevant financial authorities to ensure compliance with all industry standards and regulations.


How do you ensure compliance with financial regulations?

We have a dedicated and seasoned compliance team that monitors and analyzes regulatory changes, liaises regularly with regulators, and ensures all our business activities comply with legal and ethical standards.


Partnership and Careers 

How can I become a partner or collaborator with ArcStone?

Contact us through our partnership inquiry form. We will review your proposal and respond with potential collaboration opportunities.


What career opportunities are available at ArcStone? 

We are always looking for talented, motivated, roll-up-the-sleeves, and entrepreneurial-minded individuals to join our team. Check our ‘Careers’ page for current openings and application instructions.

Let us help you get access to growth capital.